Russian Major

Our Russian major features courses in literature and language. Students take the full sequence of Russian language, or may enter into the sequence at a higher level, and gain expertise in the literature and culture of Russia, which is understood as an imperial space with interconnections to other Slavic countries. No previous knowledge of Russian is required. Interest in the culture of the region is encouraged. Expertise in cultural analysis is a required part of the major. Students may plan their courses to develop areas of specialization, including:

  • Literature
  • Cultural History
  • Art history
  • Linguistics



10 courses in the department, 8 of which must be at the 200 level or above.

3 courses must have ALP curriculum codes

  • RUSSIAN 203 - Intermediate Russian I
  • RUSSIAN 204 - Intermediate Russian II
  • RUSSIAN 301S - Contemporary  Russian Composition and Readings
  • RUSSIAN 302S - Contemporary Russian Composition and Readings
  • RUSSIAN 401 - Advanced Russian
  • RUSSIAN 402 - Advanced Russian: Readings, Translation and Syntax
  • 4 courses, of which at least 3 have ALP curriculum codes


Students are encouraged to study abroad in a country that is related to the geographical area covered by the major. Our department is directly involved in several semester and summer programs, providing you with a lot of flexibility in when and where to study. Courses taken abroad in a Duke-administered or Duke-approved program can fulfill the FL requirement for graduation.