Duke Center for Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Studies
The Center provides a wide variety of support for undergraduate, graduate, and faculty activities. It organizes field-related lectures, workshops, conferences, performances and other activities.
The Slavic and East European Language Research Center
Established in 1999 and operated by Duke University, the Slavic and East European Language Research Center (SEELRC) has as its mission the improvement of the national capacity to teach and learn Slavic and East European languages. The Center accomplishes this by developing teaching and assessment materials as well as by supporting research and a variety of activities, including undergraduate and graduate education and exchange programs, conferences, seminars, and public outreach programs.
Visitors to this site can access the Center's many projects, keep abreast of research in Slavic and East European languages, and discover other resources on the internet.
Professional Development and Career Opportunities
Academic Study and Job Listings
- Slavic Studies Departments and Courses: A list of graduate programs in Slavic Studies in the U.S.
- AATSEEL Professional Development site: The American Association for Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages hosts this site with tips on preparing for the academic job market.
- AATSEEL Job Listings: The American Association for Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages hosts this job listings site.
- EdDPrograms.org: an all-in-one resource for anyone interested in pursuing a Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) degree.
Academic Administration
- Academic Careers: Comprehensive listing site for jobs in teaching, research, and professional jobs in academia.
- Alt-Ac Professional Development Tips: Site with excellent informational articles about searching for alternative academic (alt-ac) jobs in administration, teaching, digital humanities, research, etc.
Foreign Development/Exchange Nonprofits
- American Councils: American Councils for International Education website. This international nonprofit designs and administers academic exchanges, overseas language immersion, and educational development. This link connects you with their career opportunities.
- Eurasian Foundation Network: Career opportunities through Eurasian Network Foundation, which focuses on local economic development, youth engagement, cross border cooperation, and independent media and public policy in Russia, Central Asia, the South Caucasus, Ukraine and Moldova.
Global Health and Social Service
- Masters in Global Health Program at Duke: An innovative three-year master's program at Duke, recommended for students who have already familiarized themselves with foreign cultures and societies through study and overseas experience.
- Peace Corps: Volunteer opportunities in Eastern Europe, Central Asia.
- UN Refugee Agency: See this site for information about internships and the Junior Professional Officer Programme
Government Jobs
- International Organizations careers
- State Department
- United States Agency for International Development
- Library of Congress: Information about fellowships, internships, and jobs at the Library of Congress
- U.S. Intelligence
Journalism/Publishing/Digital Media
- Columbia Publishing Course" Intensive six-week course gateway into the publishing industry.
- Summer_Publishing_Institute_NYU: Another intensive six-week course gateway into publishing.
- Digital_knowledge_lab_at_Duke: Listed as open to doctoral students, but master's students may be admitted.
Teaching Opportunities and Programs
- Teaching English as a Second Language: Informational site about training in TESOL.
- Teaching English in Russia and Eastern Europe I: GoAbroad site. Lists specific jobs.
- Teaching English in Russia and Eastern Europe II: Transitions Abroad site. More general information and listing of specific companies that sponsor teaching English abroad.
- Teach for America
- Obtaining teacher certification: Site comparing training and job opportunities for those with a master's in the art of teaching and those with a master's in education. Duke offers a Duke MAT
- Teaching in Independent Schools: All-purpose website. Independent schools may not require a teaching certificate or MAT.
- American Translators Association, Slavic Division: This link will connect you with the Slavic Division of the American Translators Association, the best organization for obtaining information about freelance translating, translator training, and professional networking with other translators.
- Open Letter Press: A nonprofit literary press dedicated to publishing excellent translations of literature from all over the world. See their Submission Guidelines and check out their blog "Three Percent."
- Deep Vellum Press: A not-for-profit literary publisher just opened in Dallas, TX by Will Evans, Duke SES M.A., 2012 (Congratulations, Will!)