Slavic & Eurasian Studies

Number Title Codes
SES 190A Duke Administered Study Abroad: Special Topics in Slavic and Eurasian Studies
SES 215FS The Politics of Language SS
SES 237 Russia in the World: From Cold War to Putin's Wars CCI, CZ, SS
SES 267S Global Cold War CCI, EI, W, CZ
SES 279FS Turkey: Muslim and Modern CCI, CZ, SS
SES 279S Turkey: Muslim and Modern CCI, CZ, SS
SES 287 The Turks: From Ottoman Empire to European Union CCI, EI, R, ALP, CZ
SES 290 Special Topics in Slavic and Eurasian Studies
SES 290A Special Topics in Slavic and Eurasian Studies
SES 290A-1 Duke-Administered Study Abroad: Special Topics in Turkish Studies
SES 290S Special Topics in Slavic and Eurasian Studies
SES 356 The Russian Empire CCI, CZ, SS
SES 370S Islam in Asia CCI, CZ, SS
SES 373S Between Moscow, Beijing and Delhi: Narratives of Europe and Asia CCI, R, CZ, SS
SES 375S Social Engineering and Social Movements in Eastern Europe and Asia CCI, EI, CZ, SS
SES 385 Language and Society CCI, SS
SES 388S Illiberal Nondemocracies: Focus on Eastern Europe and Asia CCI, CZ, SS
SES 396S Language in Immigrant America CCI, R, ALP
SES 433S Soviet Life through the Camera's Lens CCI, FL, ALP, CZ
SES 468S Capstone Seminar: Literature & Terrorism CCI, EI, R, ALP, CZ
SES 484S Language and Politics: Global Perspectives CCI, SS
SES 490 Special Topics in Slavic and Eurasian Studies
SES 490S Special Topics in Slavic and Eurasian Studies
SES 491 Independent Study
SES 564S Russian and Slavic Linguistics SS
SES 735S The Art & Politics of Cotton
SES 745S East/West/Zion: Jewish Literary Modernism
SES 756 Imperial Russia 1700-1917
SES 772S The Frontiers and Minorities of the Tsarist and Soviet Empires
SES 773S Between Moscow, Beijing and Delhi: Narratives of Europe and Asia
SES 774S Ideology and Religion in Muslim Central Eurasia
SES 790S Topics in Slavic and Eurasian Studies
SES 990 Directed Readings