One Great Book: Proseminar in Russian/Slavic Literature


Engagement with one major work of literature. Close reading, comparative translation analysis and/or reading in the original. Deep dive into related works of literary theory, history, and criticism; analysis of primary texts related to the work; study of related films, plays, or multimedia creations. Discussion of readerships, political, social, cultural, gender and other issues as relevant. The book may change from semester to semester but may be one of these: Tolstoy, War and Peace; Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov; Pushkin, Eugene Onegin; Bely, Petersburg; Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita; Grossman, Life and Fate; Vodolazkin, Laurus. This course is taught in English.
Curriculum Codes
  • ALP
Cross-Listed As
  • ICS 339
  • LIT 335
Typically Offered
Fall and/or Spring